Thursday, September 6, 2007

lil' bit of pop culture america for your diet

words can't say enough. granted, i realize this isn't exactly the "inspirational-video-i-want-to-make-beautiful-work-like-this" kind of thing, but... no judging.


Steve said...

I love how they film the testimonials on the show, the guests are always so one-dimensional that its hard to believe they're real. Where the fuck do they get these people? They're all so fucking stupid and they all look inbreed, dressed in clothes straight out of 1995. But I guess I'm probably less intelligent because I always get sucked into this show, I have it on every morning when I get dressed.

Ash said...


Stefa said...

that's weird.. we both have the same aspirations- get on girls gone wild, become strippers. shoot! guess i didn't need college after all. p.s. did any one else think they pitched up her voice?

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