Thursday, September 13, 2007

More awesome animation


Heres more great animation...i'm obsessed with the Floyd, so... The ending, i think, is profound...
what exactly is it that goes into the sky? Is it a part of the continuous cycle that we are all stuck in?
Humans are creatures of habit and therefor cycles and patterns emerge as a result.


1 comment:

Stefa said...

What you are saying makes me think of a mandala. Mandala is Sanskrit for circle, community and connection. The circle concept exists in nature, is found in many religious symbols and represents wholeness. Mandalas are intricate designs that can be used for a meditating experience. When you color a mandala, you are supposed to focus on the process of coloring, and be mindful of how it feels to color as you go over and over in it's many circles. It's purpose is to relax and calm. Although, this video terrifies me! It makes me want to color a mandala!!! Also, the robot dino's head (at the beginning)looks like the statue of liberty's crown. Coincidence? I think not!!!

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