Monday, December 10, 2007


nice flash animations of found photos on harm van der dopel's site

look for the resurection and sleepwalker series

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Don't forget to bring your movie files tomorrow for the class DVD. I might be late for class because I have to wait for GA Natty Gas to come fix my damn gas from anywhere between the hours of 8am and 12pm apparently. So if I'm lucky they'll show up early. If not, and you need to leave class before I get there drop the file on the class laptop and I will retrieve it shortly thereafter. Stanks! Here's a preview of the packing I'm making for the DVD:

Friday, November 30, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

c'mon bring the noise...

If you have japancakes cds please bring them to class tomorra



Friday, November 23, 2007

jill miller "i am making art too" 2003

Jill Miller

artist jill miller updates john baldessari's 'i am making art' video|

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bug's Life bloopers

Bug's Life wasn't my favorite movie, but I really liked this clip.
You don't really have to know the story to enjoy this...It's pretty much self explanatory.

Penguin Animation

Watch until the END!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amazing Keytar Sound Experience

Some are born great. Some become great. Some have greatness thrust upon them.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ghost Opera

This is a video from the band Kamelot (not as bad or chivalrous as the name implies)
Very high production quality and good song too.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Over Time

A Great Animation about what characters do after the passing of their creator. Also a stirring lesson that no one likes it when you play with your food. It ruins all the fun.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bingo the Clown

Something that makes no sense, but looks great while doing it. Now with 50% more clown.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tokyo Plastic

This was made with flash. Cute and wicked at the same time.
You might want to turn up the volume.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Frank Zappa on Crossfire 86

This Lofton guy's a joke. I was struck by how dated this whole debate seemed. Are we past these issues of censorship? The Parental Advisory Sticker's been added since 86. I guess that's where all of this was headed.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris never cries because of severe bruising by Bruce Lee's fists.
There is no chin under Chuck Norris's face, Bruce Lee kept it as a trophy.
Chuck Norris's round house kick is so powerful because he funnels the hits rained upon him by Bruce Lee.

Beware of the Anorexic

How to defend yourself if you are thin. No muscle mass is needed to preform these moves. Only vaguely defined extremities.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jape - Floating

cool little music video with a little nod to italian painter giuseppe arcimboldo

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This Is New York City-- tourism commercial

This is something that i'm glad i found on youtube today. i came across it when i was looking at stuff through>athletics> i suggest looking at it through for better quality.

Volume One
These guys are really cool. This is probably (definitely) after effects, but it gives me flash inspiration!

Monday, October 22, 2007


David Lynch does Flash. Really, it's David Lynch, doing Flash!

John Whitney's Arabesque

This is primitive computer animation. First he would design the sequences of geometric shapes and then print them out (one page per frame, so 24 pages a second). Then he would run these printed pages through an optical printer wherein he would make aesthetic decisions like color, cutting, and cross-dissolving...Very labor-intensive. And we think Flash is a lot of work!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spit Art

Interesting Process, to say the least!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Human LCD

(this has nothing to do with our project...)

Cable Conversations

This short video was a project that my friend Michael did with his students at Eagle Rock School in Colorado. He said it was one of those apple competitions where they give you an assignment and you have to complete it within 24 hours. I think its really great. The timing is right on which makes this super simple video really interesting.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Backyard wrestling

this is me and my friends from 7th grade going into 10th grade displaying our passion for backyard wrestling

Video Diary

i enjoy this young mans ambitions for friendship

A Documentary of the Michael Jackson Trail

Famous Documentator Robert Smigel does a factual, non biased look at Michael Jackson's side of the child molestation trail.

Dude Falling

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Delayed Mix

nice, simple take on the split screens effect.

2 thousand views later!

Stefa's "Living Doll" video already has over 2 thousand views on ye olde youtube!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Yellow Magic Orchestra

Japan's answer to Kraftwerk. I honestly had no idea of the existence of the band until a few minutes ago. I stumbled upon them when looking at Doravideo performances (he samples at least one of their videos). Very fun to watch and listen too...


A new energy drink and a new way of life.

Strindberg and Helium

strindberg and helium

awesome short flash animation series featuring playwright strindberg and his little pal helium.


from guys. nice use of images in flash. simple techniques of movie within a movie (that we looked at in class last week) to create a simple scene that keeps us engaged.

see also punk kittens


don hertzfeld animation, notice how/why the crude animations work, time and sound! but mostly timing. tension and release..


This guy (Doravideo) is incredible:

I think he's using a Max/MSP and Jitter based program to create his drum triggered loops. However he does it, it's incredibly interesting to hear the accidental melodies created with the audio from his primarily culturally based found footage. It's also not often a solo performer can pull of something like this that will keep your attention, which he does. His website does a good job of describing the movement of his performances: "Like hammer blows and alternating at the speed of light between play, fast rewind, forward or pause". This is like a live version of our last project!

Here's Doravideo+New Order!

He's in the Guiness Book of World records as well!
"The DVD released in July of this year, 'DoraVideo Volume 1', managed to violate every imaginable law, committing copyright infringement, slander, indecent exposure, has been awarded a spot in the Guiness Book of World Records for offensiveness, and went out of print just before release./ When the DVD was released, one could say it was a study of copyright infringement, slander, and indecent exposure, being successful at very nearly violating all of these rules, and is a product which offers a very strange sense of satisfaction."
From his record label's website which also contains his very interesting biography

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dancing Otter

Naturally 7 Live in Paris Subway ! (ANNOYING)

Public Performance is a pretty interesting thing. Because you don't pay for it, there's no reason for the performer to expect anything of you (e.g. your interest, courtesy, or even respect). So it basically just boils down to whether or not you like the performance. If I was one of these Parisians unfortunate enough to have to stand there and have my eardrums assaulted by this lame shit, I'd like to think that I would've had the gall to sabotage this corny a cappella rendition of a Genesis song.

Hmm, what would have been more effective, singing another song louder, or pressing my lips up against the palms of my hands and blowing hard to make the loudest fart sounds possible?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007


YMCK is a Japanese group and their music videos always look like old/large-pixel-games. (They sound like games, too)
I'll add one more video of YMCK below.

music video

This look like flash.......
It's not TOO interesting, though. (the animation explains a lot of things about Japanese culture, but it might be boring if you don't get what they're talking about...)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Crispin Hellion Glover circa 1990

Reading after his still widely misunderstood performance on David Letterman in July of 1987.


For those who aren't in the second class


Scary Direct TV commercial for Japan. The fear is here.


The History of Flight

An animation accurately depicting the dream of all mankind to fly. Made by the most famous animator ever imported to Britain by a comedy troupe. Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler

Oskar Fischinger

Early experimental/conceptual film German artist. Word is he did the Mickey and the Broom scene in Fantasia but never got any recognition for it from Disney so he hates creepy old Walt just like the rest of us. Fischinger is really amazing, he works with the concepts of rhythmic hypnosis and synesthesia. The stuff people where attempting with their appropriation projects reminds me of his films, so check it. THESE ARE ALL HOMAGES BECAUSE YOUTUBE IS LAWSUIT SHY, but you get the idea.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

i got bees

not only is the tim and eric awesome show great job! a really great show, but their excessive use of kitschy, outdated effects is strangely appropriate for the feel of their show. in this clip, i like the way they use still frames to capture the general idea of the story/phone call. if they used regular live video, i don't think this would work anywhere near as well.

(these are the same guys that make tom goes to the mayor)


Friday, October 5, 2007

Brain eno's 77 Million Paintings

This dude's pretty cool. He produced U2's Joshua Tree. I wonder if he had a hand in their Zoo TV tour?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Reasons to hate Springs

From the horrible pun in the title to the drug induced "Spring Fairy" you will never be happier we live in the digital age.

Force Blues

The postquil will be a mash-up of blue brothers and Jedi. Never have you seen such hilarity or space nuns.


You might remember him from the "Hyperactive" post that I posted long long time ago. (Or some of you might have already seen this since this clip was originally posted on 2006)
But for those of you who haven't seen this yet, enjoy!

strike cheek

These are the scenes from a Korean drama called "Jumong."
The collection of the cheek-striking scenes reminds me the "f*ck" clip & the "yeah" clip Rick showed us in class. (Except a song is inserted in this one)
I'm not going to translate the lyrics, but it's basically explaining who is striking who for what reason (in a very enthusiastic way). So, yeah, I guess someone made up this song to put in the video.

*PS. And it's repeating the phrase [strike the cheek whenever you hate them] throughout the song..........Just in case you're curious.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

kate moss 3-d projection

I think this is so cool. Its a 3-d projection of kate moss. you can search "cheoptics" and you can find out how they do it.

This is for those of us a little stressed about the project.

Puppy Whistle - video powered by Metacafe

State of America, where do you stand?

speaks for itself really.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

paul mccarthy

um.. i'll write a comment later... it's 6am and i'm going to bed.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Duck vs Shasta

This duck was repremanded for his actions.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

DJ Ted Stevens Techno Remix: "A Series of Tubes"

this one goes out to mark callahan. i like this video because its fun and educational! but seriously... i like it because it confirms the visualization in my head about the internet being a SERIES OF TUBES TUBES T T T T TUBES TUBES. Do you guys ever read a book and map it out in your head? Not just how the main character can go from point A to point B in the city where the story takes place, but rather how the feeling, mood, or sequence of events climaxes and takes a turn in an unexpected direction. Sometimes I like to think about things this way. Like a dance or something. The tubes on the internet are like the dance of life. Get it? No seriously, someone respond...


lovin the free sharing of our generation

maybe some of you haven't seen this yet. it is so interesting how much news now relies on youtube. this story would probably have not reached such a wide audience without it. i think we should all consider getting a phone that takes video-- you never know when you'll feel a sense of social obligation or catch michael richards saying things he shouldn't. youtube doesn't require the media to cover a story. youtube provides its own momentum.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

stop-motion done with a whiteboard. i love the transitions from one shape/object/animal(?) to another and think this was really well done. i also really enjoy the consideration of what is colored vs. erased

Crank Dat Soulja Boy

Mind-numbing repitition of lyrics, choreography so simple a child can do it. Recontextualizing never seemed so right.

Black Dice - Smiling Off

Trippy Video. Kinda Cheesy, but music makes up for it.

Monty Python Animation

Hey, Kidz!

Heres an excellent example of video collage....Check it!


The Shock Doctrine

A short film by Naomi Klein and Alfonso Cuaron (director of Children of Men).

The Book

Martin Arnold

Alone Life Wastes Andy Hardy (small excerpt)

My fav Martin Arnold piece is this one::: Passage à l'acte

Peter, Bjorn & John "Up Against The Wall"

Monday, September 24, 2007

Juggs Gotcha

A very classy voice over of an x-men classic. Now an internet fad classic. So popular it even made it into the 3rd x-men movie. Now everyone repeat the catch phrase.


Great deal on this little Sony cam

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Múm. They Made Frogs Smoke 'Til They Exploded.

Awesome music video with a new take on stop-motion animation. I dig the nature/death/childhood theme they are exploring in this fantastical video. It's simple but magical. This is the same band whose music I used in my first video for this class. Check it!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Slate Magazine's Rip on Romney

This is all found footage. Well, not so much found as given. But I love how subversive it all is. A campaign donates footage for all of us out there on the web who want to make videos for the candidate. Of course, they assume these video's will be laudatory. Nope, not this one at least.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fabric of Our Lives. in the FUTURE.

Think of the possibilities! Textile design meets technology. After a while, maybe there could be television embeded in your clothes?? Animated gifs as pattern... it blows my mind.

So, here is a kinda different take on the video collage. I love it and they write the music too. The people on the animal bodies are also members from band. Its really fun. Rad!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Let's Paint,Exercise,& Blend Drinks TV!

This is hilarious. I've never witnessed such great intentions fail so miserably. Reckless ideas are great.

Warhol at Wal-Mart

This was a project from Michael Oliveri's class. We had to make art at Wal-Mart with out necessarily spending any money. The idea wasn't to buy supplies from Wal-Mart, but to use it as a resource. I went in with the intentions of putting something in the wonderfully lit freezer case, but I wasn't sure of what I wanted. I was already in the food section, I so it hit me that there would be TONS of tomato soup cans literally right around the corner. What better place to relay Warhol's ideas of commodity than at Wal-Mart-- the commodity SUPER STORE!!

Beats Of Boredom from adam deeves on Vimeo.

the music's great. but i think he shows the different visuals to often. towards the middle and end it gets a bit disorienting, but not in a good way. at least that's what i think.

Warhol at Wal-Mart

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Sultan's Elephant

If I were there, I think I would find myself imagining that the puppet was real. I still have that child in me that wants to believe in giants. Its great to see art that can bring that out. The reality of it is pretty amazing, too. I think they have like 20 people working this thing.

Vote Black Thunder

Commercial Remixin

This is yoko ono's infamous cut piece. the audience was asked to cut off pieces of her dress with scissors. this is totally worth watching all the way through even though it is kind of long. yoko ono's face just seems to translate as victim. there is a pretty important idea here. performance artists, such as yoko, openly questioned gender roles by positioning the artist as both creator and model, maker and muse, active and inactive. the male/female poles are confused in an art in which the body of the artist is used. the traditional notions and assumptions of the artist as male and the model as female are no longer applicable. thank god.

Yeah, I think there's some found footage in this, although I'm not really sure. These guys are pretty funny, that's about all I really have to say about it, though. I'll keep writing, because maybe Rick won't really read this, he'll just gloss over it and be really proud that I gave a shitload of context. Fuck, I'm just gonna' copy-n-paste this shit to make it twice as long. Double Time! Yeah, I think there's some found footage in this, although I'm not really sure. These guys are pretty funny, that's about all I really have to say about that, though. I'll keep writing, because maybe Rick won't really read this, he'll just gloss over it and be really proud that I gave a shitload of context. Fuck, I'm just gonna' copy-n-paste this shit to make it twice as long. Double Time!

Monday, September 17, 2007

How Not to be Seen

An instructional video that makes use of appropriated videos to prove a point and teach a lesson. This partially appropriated video teaches the skill of not being seen. This means that after watching this video one can be more skilled in the area of not being seen. If one is seen after watching this video then they haven't gotten the real point of the clip and should probably watch it again. Maybe watching it while no one is looking at you will help to get the point across. I have learned to make these words no seen by rambling on and on making sure that no one actually pays attention to what is being written. However I have begun to write more so no one can be angry.

Fargo Yeah

Another full movie edit.

Boeing 747-8

The digital media club needs to get one of these. Apparently they are trying to revamp an old plane that sees little use now-a-days. It burns way too much fuel.

Choice Words

YouTube Mashups

Simple mashing of different soundtrack and video to create a new piece

Bob Fosse vs. Dj Unk

Godard vs. Junior Boys

Werner Herzog vs. E-40


Stanley Kubrik's horror film The Shining re-edited as a trailer for a romantic comedy.


i didn't even finish watching this video because i had to run and open up blogger to post this. i guess it's a little foolish to post something if you didn't watch the whole thing (well i also guess that i did that when i posted freebird). I was on john michael and javiers 52 o's and saw javier post a video for someone/something called mike oldfield so i looked at some of their other music vids and this apparently is one of them???

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Gimme More Chris Crocker.

More pop culture delight! O.K. So this is the kid, Chris Crocker, that has been splashed all over the news for crying (literally) on youtube about people being mean to Britney Spears. This however, is not THAT video, THIS is something else of Chris' (from his youtube vlog collection), which I think is entirely more compelling: Him trying to psychoanalyze his granny. His vlog's are an intriguing mixture of patheticness, flamboyancy, and teenage angst. Check it out!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

More awesome animation


Heres more great animation...i'm obsessed with the Floyd, so... The ending, i think, is profound...
what exactly is it that goes into the sky? Is it a part of the continuous cycle that we are all stuck in?
Humans are creatures of habit and therefor cycles and patterns emerge as a result.


JFK Movie Intro

Best Editing job I've ever seen. Almost best movie I've ever seen. Not to mention John Williams...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

pop levi

anyway this is pop levi. he used to be in ladytron and now he's on ninja tunes.
ps: i love that the you tube computer chose to use the frame of his crotch for the thumbnail thing for the video.

State of the Music

Ash and I were discussing this earlier today.. this dude explains it better than me..

Monday, September 10, 2007

Princess Superstar vs Mason "Perfect Exceeder"

Hot music video is like Benny Benassi's "Satisfaction" only cheesy and gayer, in typical Princess Superstar fashion. She doesn't take herself too seriously and she's definitely got the mic skills, but I'd be lying if I said that she was one of the best rapper out there. She's far from perfect, but still one of my favorites. She rhymes about sex but manages to not come off as a Trina or Lil' Kim ripoff. She's also knows her way around some turntables. Check out her site here.


A cheerful animation by Guy Bar'ely. A flawless use of the look away to flash back. And some creepy circus music when you get there.

Len Lye's Color Flight

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Chemical Brothers: Let Forever Be

This make me extremely happy. Directed by, who else? Michel Gondry!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

David Blaine Parody 2

What I love so much about these guys is that, from all I can tell, almost everything they do may be easily accomplished without the aid of any real special fx budget. They just draw your attention away like, well, great magicians, distracting you just when they need to make time for key transitions off-screen.

Education in Norway must be Incredible! - Watch more free videos

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sand drawing

This person is drawing with (or "on") sand.
Interesting to see how the image changes continuously.

Morphing Kittens

I've only done morphing on images before...Morphing a video would be interesting too, I guess.

There is also a puppy version:

lil' bit of pop culture america for your diet

words can't say enough. granted, i realize this isn't exactly the "inspirational-video-i-want-to-make-beautiful-work-like-this" kind of thing, but... no judging.

Smokey Brown Eyed Girl :P makeup tutorial

Most Asians don't have creases in their eyelids, this makes applying eye-make up tricky. So fuck whatever advice the magazines here had to give us, the western way of eye-make up application simply does not work as well for Asian eyes due to different structures. African Americans require certain specific processes to style their hair, but at least they had a couple of magazines to guide them. Unless we had friends from the mainland or older sisters, we'd never know what techniques to use. I sure as hell wasn't about to ask my mom how to properly apply eyeshadow. So more recently, the internet has made this information more accessible to those that are curious about make up but lacking knowledgeable sources. Thank you pursebuzz!

Check out Asian Beauty for more beauty tips, and subscribe to Audrey for a magazine that caters and supports our community. AZN pride bitches!

Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar

Here is a single take video done in CG.
Hahahaha beat you to it

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ze gossip

rick mentioned this...

Monday, September 3, 2007

John Sears' Drawing Narratives

John Sears, one of my old students, did these great little one take animations.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Sunday, September 2, 2007


This is a video by Shoji Goto. There is a lot of great stylized movement. There are some really simple things going on in the piece just using colors that can be done with simple techniques to bring other scenes together. It shows that you don't have to have all action footage to bring a video together in an effective way.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

John Cage- In Love With Another Sound

I think this guy's a genius. I don't completely understand his perspective. There is one quote I like, though: "Would we ever be able to get so that we thought the ugly sounds were beautiful? If we drop beauty, what have we got? Have we got truth?"

rjd2 - 'work it out' video

mostly a single shot, with the exception of the first 10-15 seconds. impressive footwork involving crutches, a skateboard and some of those wheelie-shoe things.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ice Cream Socialists / 40 Watt / Friday Night

Sorry to be so shameless, but we're playing with Down With The Woo and Pegasus XL so come check it out!

TheShow IsTheRainbow

This guy performs in front of animations and videos that he makes himself. Try to make it to(or fast forward) to 1:40 on the timeline. It has a good shot of one of his animation/videos. I saw him play at Go Bar in Athens months ago with Yip Yip (search in YouTube: Yip Yip Candy Dinner Music Video). Think about the PowerPointing project(Rick's 2nd class) when watching these!


A 3-D short with a flightless bird. Well done visually and imaginative character. Proves that anyone can fly.

Call for Video Support!

I don't want this to seem like sleazy self-promotion, but this could tie into our video class. I'm having a show this Friday at the 40 Watt with my band Down with the Woo, check out the article from this weeks Flagpole. Our set (which is being video taped) will feature 3 screens of sound reactive animations and surround sound in the audience. If you're interested in coming and proving additional video footage in to what we're filming, that would be rad! It could be cool since we're all in a video class together. If you're interested call me at 706.491.0764 or talk to me in class. Sweet!

Betty Boop in Snow White

This cartoon is really amazing if you think about the time it was produced, circa 1930's. It incorporates surrealist imagery, a song by Cab Calloway (which would be the equvilant of a pop star showing up in a cartoon and singing a hit song), and a new take on Snow White. The reason Cab Calloway shows up as a clown in "white face" is because the studio wanted to finish up his contract, but still owed him one more song; they gave it to him by putting him in a cartoon. The result is one badass Betty Boop Cartoon, I would say the best.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fascinating animation by Gerald Scarfe

Check it...I'm sure yous have seen it before but I think its shazamm!!


Battle of the Blackmass

Montage from Ralph Bashki's underated 1977 animated movie "Wizards". Not so much the montage is of interest in itself, but the combination of still images/landscapes, video reels of nature/war, and animation to create a more familiar visual world/emotion set in a kickass animated world.

"Song About Ping Pong" By: Operator Please

This is just a really cute and simple [looking] video. When I look at it, it makes me think "I can do that!"

build your own steady cam!

my brother in law built me a steady cam for christmas. it only cost him 14 bucks. here's how:

go here for step by step instructions (cause these guys are kinda annoying):

Ryan Trecartin really utilizes the cheese factor of these lower-level editing software effects.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ray and Charles Eames - Powers of Ten

The greatest single take video ever? (that isn't really a single take video at all)

LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends

Single take music video from Mr. New York himself James Murphy, head of DFA records and lead of LCD Soundsystem. Kind of an homage to Radiohead's 'No Surprises' video?

hall and oats video contest

two of athens' own Hall and Oats fans won a nation wide video contest. they are being flown to LA to meet H&O


同志亦凡人 is one of China's first online TV shows dealing specifically with LGBT issues. This is a low budget production based in Beijing. The format of the program is set up like a talk show, every week the hosts (Steven and Xiaogang) interview a new guest. While the show itself isn't the most exciting (at times it can be as interesting as a sunday morning televangelist program), it is definitely groundbreaking. The guys behind the show have taken it upon themselves to do their bit for the promotion of understanding. In one segment a roving reporter interviews people in the streets, inquiring where they stand on the issue of homosexuality. A funny moment occurs when a man is asked if he has any gay friends and he replies, "No, but I know a guy whose Spanish." So far mixed reviews of the show have been received from Chinese viewers.

Here's what Shanghaiist has to say about the show:

"...while Chinese media have often been derided for being overly acquiescent to the state, they have to be given credit for creatively pushing back the ambiguous out-of-boundary markers of state censors, especially in recent years. And to the cynics out there, we would just like to say that these shows are really not about preaching to the converted, but for reaching out to the large swathes of ignorant masses here. In this arena, the Internet presents much hope and opens up previously unthinkable opportunities. With time, one can only hope that these issues can be given a proper airing not just on the Internet, but also on state TV, because let's not forget — over a billion Chinese people are not online just yet."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Brian Eno- Music for Airports

Its interesting to think of how sound affects spaces. It seems like people usually pay little attention to the sounds of public spaces, even though I think it may affect people more than the way a place looks. In video for instance, someone was telling me, its acceptable for the visuals to become interupted, or to be chaotic, but when you lose control of the sound it ruins whatever visuals are there. I agree.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fantastic Planet

Beautiful & strange animated science fiction film from the 70's directed by René Laloux. Features a planet where aliens keep oms (play on the French word for man) as pets. I watched this during the summer while I was in New York, and it is captivating; it won several awards all across the globe, including at Cannes. This is the trailer, I ordered the film and we can watch it in class if there is enough interest.

p.s. hope this one works.

Infamous Madonna Interview

Purely for pop culture value, I present the 90's version of the material girl. As you watch this, just keep thinking to yourself: Madonna does not to let her children watch American T.V. (she says it is too sexualized, go figure.)

Madonna: hypocritical or re-inventor?

The Knife

European brother/sister electro duo The Knife have a number of talented visual artists working with them. Andreas Nilsson has been designing the light and visual show for their rare live performances as well as music videos. This song is from a recent live DVD The Knife just released.

Pretty incredible, these guys are definitely one of my favorite bands at the moment.

Motomichi Nakamura has also been doing some cool things with them:

Both of these fellows have their own unique style, both in almost polar opposite directions. Nilsson sticks for towards "dirty" graphics mostly hand drawn, collage, or strangely warped and hued video footage while Nakamura's creates simple duo-tone vector graphics and equally as interesting

Family Guy on The Way Things Go

Family Guy uses similar framing to "The Way Things Go," not letting you see what is next. However this Rube Goldberg machine does accomplish something.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

a horse and a gun

great short by great director. diana gurley is gold! music stolen from an ennio morricone song.

(i couldn't help myself)

spike jonze's adidas commercial

great commercial. great director. spike jonze is gold!

fallen art

Fallen Art (Polish Sztuka spadania) is the name of a 6-minute, animated short film written and directed by Tomasz Bagiński. The film was produced and created by Platige Image, a VFX company. In 2006 it has received the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award.

norman mclaren - neighbors

norman mclaren's stop motion video, early 1950's. the audio is hand-painted on the film strip; i'll try to find the video that explains his technique.

pippilotti is the best. this is her best. i love the idea of using pop songs. they distance you from an emotion, but they also make it obvious that you subscribe to this emotion.

Jamie Lidell

Jamie Lidell's video for You Got Me Up. Looks like it was originally shot in one take on film, then drawn over frame by frame. Very simple, Jamie Lidell dances and sings with cat. It's interesting seeing how Lidell's music translates from record to stage. He uses Max/MSP primarily when performing live.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Tim Burton's first short.

Michel Gondry - Rubik's Cube

Michel Gondry with little bit of editing trickery.. can you spot the technique?

Daft Hands

Nice amateur single take video. great low tech concept.

ZZZ - Grip

A Single take music video, with a small cut at the end.

Feist - 1 2 3 4

Single take music video

Wax - Southern California

Single take music video

By Spike Jonze, nice use of slooowww moooooo....

OK GO - Here It Comes Again

Single take music video.

Radiohead - No Surprises

Single take music video.

Nice use of 'layers' within a single shot, time, tension, human element.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I wonder how many frames he used for this clip...


Pythagorean Switch

Some of you might have already seen this before...
This is the Japanese version of "The Way Things Go."
You can find many other series of "Pythagorean Switch" on YouTube
if you look for them.

[Read about "Pythagorean Switch"]
(Lot of the links from the page above don't really work, sorry)

I just put this clip up because "The Way Things Go" was reminding me
of this(="Pythagorean Switch") the whole time during the movie.


A Cannonball at 500 Frames Per Second

Here's the url for it's original home on the web:

This is a much higher quality QT file that I'm trying in vain to extract. Also, please navigate the site! It's a goldmine if you're looking to gank some crisp & dynamic slow motion footage. The cameras they use are extremely expensive and operate for the sole purpose of filming several hundred frames per second.

Time Displacement Technique

This effect actually doesn't look too tough. Silva, do you know this one?
I imagine that very fast movement might create so much displacement as to
obfuscate the image a bit too much, so I'm guessing that the speed of execution
might be the key here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

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